Wanita Terseksi Sejagat Raya di Dunia

Informasi terbaru Wanita Terseksi Sejagat Raya di Dunia kami sediakan khusus untuk pembaca setia anhinser.blogspot.com, semoga informasi Wanita Terseksi Sejagat Raya di Dunia memberikan pengetahuan lebih untuk kita semua. Mau tahu siapa perempuan Asia paling cantik sejagat raya? Dialah Katrina Kaif (26), aktris Bollywood yang baru-baru ini dinobatkan sebagai Sexiest Asian Woman in the World oleh Eastern Eye, sebuah perusahaan penerbitan yang bermarkas di Inggris.

Si bom seks yang juga mantan kekasih aktor Salman Khan (45) ini menyingkirkan Priyanka Chopra, yang berada di peringkat kedua, diikuti Bipasha Basu dan Freida Pinto di peringkat kelima.

"Saya sangat gembira bisa masuk dalam daftar Estern Eye untuk kali ketiga. Inggris adalah tempat yang khusus bagi saya dan saya sangat bangga dipilih oleh mereka," ujar Katrina menanggapi penobatannya.

Pemilihan Kaif sebagai perempuan terseksi dibuat berdasarkan data-data seberapa banyak para perempuan tersebut difoto serta paling banyak diminta oleh produser film dan penggemarnya.

Sebagai informasi, Kaif lahir di Hongkong pada 16 Juli 1984 dari ayah bernama Mohammed Kaif asal Kashmir, India, dan ibu berdarah Inggris bernama Suzanne Turquotte. Mereka semua merupakan warga Inggris.
Tinggalkan komentar anda tentang Wanita Terseksi Sejagat Raya di Dunia jika anda suka dengan artikel yang kami suguhkan.

5 Alasan Tidak Bahagia dalam Bekerja

Informasi terbaru 5 Alasan Tidak Bahagia dalam Bekerja kami sediakan khusus untuk pembaca setia anhinser.blogspot.com, semoga informasi 5 Alasan Tidak Bahagia dalam Bekerja memberikan pengetahuan lebih untuk kita semua. Berdasarkan riset nasional dan bukunya, Breakdown, Breakthrough, Kathy Caprino berusaha menemukan kata kunci mengenai perempuan bekerja dan merumuskan masalah yang ada. Lebih dari 90 perempuan mengikuti kelas ini. Mereka tak segan-segan mengutarakan pikirannya secara lantang, "Saya merasa tidak bahagia di tempat kerja. Tapi, saya tidak menemukan alasan dan cara mengatasinya!"

Meskipun kita adalah seorang profesional andal, pemilik perusahaan, atau masih dalam tahap transisi menuju kejayaan, akan ada saja masalah yang mengelilingi. Kenyataannya kita membutuhkan cara baru untuk menikmati pekerjaan. Kathy menjabarkan lima alasan terpopuler mengapa kita merasa tidak puas dan tidak cocok dengan pekerjaan. Tidak hanya mengenali masalah, Kathy juga memberikan beberapa tips untuk memperbaiki situasi dan mengubah karier kita sekarang juga.

Setelah melakukan aneka riset dan survei, pelatih, pembicara, sekaligus penulis buku ini menyimpulkan lima alasan terpopuler mengapa perempuan tidak bahagia dalam bekerja, yaitu:

1. Merasa tidak akan bisa seimbang antara bekerja dan mengatur keluarga
Solusinya: Cari keseimbangan kehidupan pribadi-kerja
Keseimbangan ini tidak akan datang begitu saja. Kita harus menginginkannya dan berusaha sekuat tenaga mendapatkannya. Caranya, pertama, tentukan tiga prioritas terpenting yang bisa membuat kita teguh menjalaninya, dalam kehidupan pribadi maupun profesional. Tiga hal yang memiliki pengaruh paling besar terhadap hidup kita. Formulasikan hal tersebut ke dalam kalimat pernyataan dengan kata "ingin menjadi" di dalamnya. Misalnya, "ingin menjadi seorang ibu yang peduli", atau "ingin menjadi pengusaha sukses".

Galilah arti dari ketiga pencapaian tersebut dalam pribadi dan dunia kerja. Berjanjilah untuk tidak berkompromi. Kemudian, temukan satu sikap kita yang terlalu berlebihan dalam hidup, keluarga, dan tempat kerja. Kemudian, lepaskan rasa ingin selalu sempurna ini, yang pada kenyataannya tidak memberi banyak pengaruh.

Kita juga bisa mencoba tips dari Intan Katoppo, corporate secretary Bank BNI 46, yang mengatakan, "Perempuan tidak harus memilih antara karier dan keluarga. Tapi, kita harus belajar menerima kalau we can't get it all. Dengan cara ini, kita tak akan selalu dihantui perasaan bersalah atau merasa gagal." Bagi Intan yang terpenting adalah saat bekerja atau menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga, kita harus fokus 100 persen. Otomatis, semua yang kita lakukan pun akan lebih berkualitas.

2. Menderita masalah finansial parah
Solusinya: Hidup sehat dengan uang kita
Untuk keluar dari masalah finansial yang kronis, kita harus bisa menjadi sahabat bagi uang kita sendiri dan mulailah tentukan prioritas dalam hidup. Pertama, ciptakan dana solid dengan tujuan finansial yang kuat. Coba cek pengeluaran, apakah kita membeli barang hanya untuk memenuhi kepuasan pribadi? Jika benar, belajarlah menahannya. Telusuri kembali ke masa kecil, bagaimanakah pembelajaran kita seputar keuangan dalam keluarga, apakah positif atau negatif? Berkembang atau menyusut? Kesimpulannya, jika ingin mengatasi belenggu finansial tersebut, kita harus membangun hubungan baik dengan uang kita, melalui kepercayaan, aksi, dan pilihan yang positif.

3. Tidak sungguh-sungguh menjalani bakat dan keahlian dengan hati
Solusinya: Pahami bakat dan potensi diri
Untuk lebih memahami apa yang sebenarnya kita suka dan mudah dilakukan, coba ikuti tes Career Path Assessment yang juga ditulis oleh Kathy Caprino di situs more.com. Temukan hal yang ingin kita jalani, kurangi, bahkan hindari.

Melalui tesnya, Kathy mengajak kita menemukan hal-hal apa yang dinikmati sewaktu kecil. Lewat tes ini -mungkin- kita akan menemukan fakta: berhasil melaksanakan tugas dengan baik, bukan berarti kita suka melakukannya. Kunci dari kebahagiaan dalam dunia kerja adalah saat kita melakukan hal-hal dengan tidak terpaksa atau yang sesuai dengan potensi diri. Saat semua ini terjadi, setiap hari akan terasa seperti berkah, bukan perjuangan.

4. Merasa tidak berharga dan dihormati
Solusinya: Hargai diri sendiri
Kita merasa tidak bahagia, karena telah dikesampingkan dan tidak dihargai di tempat kerja. Jika ingin mengubah pandangan itu, maka kita harus mulai dengan menghargai diri sendiri. Bagaimana cara meningkatkan apresiasi terhadap diri sendiri? Lakukan suatu aksi yang berani. Ini akan mengilhami rasa hormat. Ayo, bersuaralah! Tunjukkan kepada atasan dan rekan kerja siapa kita sebenarnya, dan apa saja hal-hal yang kita anggap penting dalam hidup ini. Perlakukan diri kita dengan benar. Jika merasa ada sesuatu yang perlu dikomunikasikan, maka lakukanlah. Temui orang yang bisa menjadi mentor dan membantu kita berbicara, sehingga pendapat kita akan didengar dan dihargai. Mulai juga membuat batasan pada diri sendiri, sehingga kita tahu apa yang bisa ditoleransi, diterima, dan dihindari.

5. Hanya mendapatkan sedikit hal positif dan kesenangan dalam pekerjaan
Solusinya: Temukan pekerjaan yang membuat Anda bahagia
Mengerjakan apa yang kita cintai, tak bisa memberikan kekayaan berlimpah. Ini hanya mitos yang menari-nari dalam budaya kita.

Tetapi kita harus ingat: keberhasilan membutuhkan ketabahan, kepastian, dan keberanian untuk mengejar apa yang kita cintai dan menjadikannya pijakan utama secara finansial. Bila kita menginginkan arti bahagia dan sukses datang bersamaan, tentukan dahulu hal apakah yang bisa membuat hidup lebih berarti.

Kunci untuk mendapatkannya adalah: (1) memahami apa keinginan kita, kemudian, (2) menemukan cara untuk mewujudkannya. Apabila ternyata kita menginginkan bidang berbeda dari pekerjaan sebelumnya, buatlah rencana matang yang bisa membuka jalan tercapainya mimpi ini. Coba lakukan riset dan perenungan mengenai apa yang sebenarnya ingin kita lakukan. Jangan ragu untuk mewujudkan mimpi secara langsung: menjadi sukarelawan atau pegawai paruh waktu. Jika ini memang pekerjaan yang diinginkan, yakinkan diri kita untuk menjalani bidang tersebut sepenuh hati. Rangkul komitmen ini dengan membuat rencana keuangan yang terpadu, dukungan dari keluarga, dan rencana step by step career reinvention yang tepat. Dengan demikian, pasti kita bisa menjalani pekerjaan impian dengan lebih maksimal.
Tinggalkan komentar anda tentang 5 Alasan Tidak Bahagia dalam Bekerja jika anda suka dengan artikel yang kami suguhkan.

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100 Daftar Wanita Tercantik di Dunia

Informasi terbaru 100 Daftar Wanita Tercantik di Dunia kami sediakan khusus untuk pembaca setia anhinser.blogspot.com, semoga informasi 100 Daftar Wanita Tercantik di Dunia memberikan pengetahuan lebih untuk kita semua. Banyak daftar Wanita Tercantik yang dikeluarkan oleh berbagai lembaga dan media. Berbagai majalah serta website setiap tahun berlomba-lomba menggelar survey maupun berembuk secara internal untuk menentukan siapa saja wanita tercantik di dunia. TC Candler adalah salah satunya.

Sejak tahun 1990, website ini rutin mengeluarkan daftar The Annual Independent Critics List of the 100 Most Beautiful Faces. Uniknya, pemilihan wanita-wanitanya bukan berdasarkan survey, dan bukan juga berdasarkan popularitas sang selebritas. Mereka mengklaim bahwa daftar ini disusun dari ratusan nama seleb dari berbagai penjuru dunia, berbeda dengan daftar lain yang biasanya hanya memuat nama-nama seleb Hollywood saja.

Maka tak heran jika dalam daftar 100 Wanita Tercantik versi TC Candler, seringkali ditemukan nama dan wajah yang kurang familiar. Maklum saja, wanita tersebut adalah seleb yang berasal dari negara-negara "nomor dua" seperti India, Rusia, Israel, dan sebagainya.

Siapa saja wanita-wanita tercantik di dunia pilihan website tersebut? Berikut ini daftar 100 wanita tercantik di dunia.

100. Penelope Cruz
At 36 years of age, the legendary Spanish beauty makes the list for the 6th time in the last 10 years. Look for her unforgettable song and dance routine in her recent film “Nine” to understand why she is so beloved. The Academy Award Winner has one of the highest quality filmographies of any actress of the past decade.

Yearly Rankings: 21 â€" 12 â€" 4 â€" 38 â€" NR â€" NR â€" NR â€" NR â€" 75 â€" 100

99. Esti Ginzburg
The twenty year old Israeli is one of the new “it girls” in the modeling industry. Esti is jaw-droppingly gorgeous and appears on this list for the first time. She is primarily famous for her lingerie and bikini shoots, but we think her face is her best feature. She is here to stay.

Yearly Rankings: 99

98. Yulia Volkova
With her 10th consecutive year on the list, this Russian makes the Beautiful Face Hall of Fame. Yulia’s band, t.A.T.u, seems to have taken a hiatus recently, with Lena off doing her solo project. Lena also appears on the list for the 10th time.

Yearly Rankings: 61 â€" 42 â€" 31 â€" 28 â€" 5 â€" 17 â€" 97 â€" 91 â€" 77 â€" 98

97. Isla Fisher
As long as this 34 year-old Aussie keeps lighting up screens with that incredible smile, she will be on this list. We feel that Isla is this decade’s answer to Meg Ryan. It is virtually impossible not to like her in any film she’s in.

Yearly Rankings: 100 â€" NR â€" 58 â€" 97

96. Frankie Sandford
The prettiest member of British girl-band, The Saturdays, makes the list for the first time. At only 21, it will definitely not be the last. She is one of the few women in the world who has the facial perfection required to pull off a pixie-cut hairstyle.

Yearly Rankings: 96

95. Pixie Lott
With a stunning debut album and some of the most aesthetically pleasing music videos you will ever see, 19 year-old Pixie Lott debuts at 95. She should rise fast in the coming years.

Yearly Rankings: 95

94. Faye Reagan
A redheaded, freckled porn star made the list? Yep… We said it. Faye Reagan did a fantastic “interview” with KassemG on youtube. It is hilarious stuff. If I haven’t convinced you after seeing that â€" then watch some of her more “artsy material”.

Yearly Rankings: 94

93. Naomi Watts
After peaking at number 8 in 2004, the 42 year-old Miss Watts is still hanging on at #93. We’d like to see her stick around for a few more years. She is one of the best actresses in the world today. Her best film still remains “Mulholland Drive”.

Yearly Rankings: 22 â€" 19 â€" 8 â€" 15 â€" 27 â€" 41 â€" 57 â€" 49 â€" 93

92. Lyndsy Fonseca
Lyndsy is popping up in everything these days. The 23 year-old seems to be becoming a huge favorite with producers and directors. No complaints here, as she looks to be a bright new star.

Yearly Rankings: 92

91. Madison Welch
Lucy Pinder has reigned as the British Glamour Model Queen for years… until now. Madison Welch will be gracing the covers of the lads mags for the next few years. Visit the 22 year-old’s official site here.

Yearly Rankings: 91

90. Rachel Bilson
If Rachel would just find more quality projects, I am sure that she would scale new heights on this list. The 29 year-old Californian hand only been in a handful of movies and TV shows over the past 5 years… far less than you would expect.

Yearly Rankings: 73 â€" 31 â€" 35 â€" 71 â€" 60 â€" 90

89. Hayden Panettiere
Wladimir Klitschko scores yet another knockout by dating young Hayden. I’ll bet he would take a dive for this beautiful babe. Look for this 21 year-old “Heroes” star to shine in the 2011 film, “The Amanda Knox Story” as the controversial title character.

Yearly Rankings: 69 â€" 14 â€" 73 â€" 64 â€" 89

88. Natalie Tran (communitychannel)
Hi! The angelic 24 year-old YouTube sensation is one of the most charming and hilarious “new generation celebs”. She has one of the loveliest smiles in the Top 100. Check out her superb channel to understand why she makes this list. (a big thank you to Natalie for the photo!)

Yearly Rankings: 88

87. Bar Refaeli
What does Leonardo DiCaprio have that I don’t? Talent, Wealth, Looks? OK fine… I give up. The 25 year-old Israeli is a swimsuit goddess and is known for being one of the sweetest and smartest girls in the industry.

Yearly Rankings: 87


86. Margarita Levieva
The 30 year-old Russian-born actress is a breath of fresh air in the industry and on this list. She used to be a professional gymnast before going on to star in films like “Adventureland”.

Yearly Rankings: 86

85. Karen Alloy (spricket24)
Usually, insane hotness and goofy humor do not mix. It is a rare combo. Nevertheless, this energetic 33 year-old YouTube funny babe is one of the most beautiful women in the world. Check out her crazy channel.

Yearly Rankings: 85

84. Meghan McCain
The daughter of Senator John McCain is the only Republican I can stand listening to â€" partly because I am distracted by the hotness and partly because she is reasonably moderate with her views. She gains bonus points for crushing Ann Coulter’s soul on a regular basis.

Yearly Rankings: 84

83. Lady Gaga
We concede that Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta is easily the most controversial choice on the list. She has a little of that “Christina Aguilera Syndrome” in her â€" they can both look gorgeous or hideous, depending on the day, the outfit, the make-up and the hair. We chose the up-side. When she gets it right… it works.

Yearly Rankings: 83

82. Katherine Heigl
We just wish she would stop doing the simple rom-coms and live up to her full potential as an actress.At 32, she has been on the list 9 times in 10 years, peaking at #24 in 2008.

Yearly Rankings: 99 â€" 93 â€" 94 â€" 100 â€" 90 â€" 95 â€" NR â€" 24 â€" 38 â€" 82

81. Heather Graham
It’s the first time in 13 years that Heather has ranked outside the Top 50. A few significant drops in recent years means that this may be one of her last appearances on the list.

Yearly Rankings: 27 â€" 10 â€" 5 â€" 11 â€" 24 â€" 13 â€" 11 â€" 31 â€" 21 â€" 26 â€" 32 â€" 50 â€" 81

80. Melissa Theuriau
The French newscaster makes her 4th appearance in as many years. She might be as naturally beautiful as anyone on the list. Why hasn’t the rest of civilization caught on to the fact that pretty female newscasters are far better than crusty old male ones?

Yearly Rankings: 82 â€" 68 â€" 31 â€" 80

79. Kelly Rowland
After living in the Beyoncé shadow for years, Kelly has risen above and now rules the music charts and this chart. Her recent fantastic collaborations with David Guetta have propelled her to megastardom and she is a lovely new addition to the Top 100.

Yearly Rankings: 79

78. Evangelline Lilly
This is a nice return for Lilly, who soared to 4th place when “Lost” was the hottest show on TV. Welcome back! She seemed to get “Lost” on that show â€" forgoing big movie roles. We hope that she takes the end of series as an opportunity for more exposure.

Yearly Rankings: 29 â€" 4 â€" 49 â€" NR â€" NR â€" 78

77. Cheryl Tweedy Cole
It now seems that she is more famous for appearing as an X-Factor judge than her music career. Still, let’s hope Girls Aloud aren’t done for good. Also, she isn’t the only Girls Aloud member on the list in 2010… and she isn’t ranked as high.

Yearly Rankings: 32 â€" 77

76. Emmanuelle Chriqui
Her role on HBO’s “Entourage” has propelled her back onto this list quite regularly. It is now 6 appearances in 7 years for this natural beauty.

Yearly Rankings: 86 â€" 77 â€" 73 â€" 60 â€" NR â€" 79 â€" 76

75. Jessica Biel
This list is solely about beautiful faces. However, if we did a “best ass list”, Jessica would win it almost every year.

Yearly Rankings: 57 â€" 34 â€" 21 â€" 87 â€" 54 â€" 75

74. Victoria Pendleton
The greatest female cyclist in the world also happens to be one of the most beautiful athletes of all time. And she isn’t afraid of a sexy photoshoot either. The gold medalist and record holder enters the Top 100 at 74.

Yearly Rankings: 74

73. Hayley Marie Norman
This gorgeous model makes the list for the second year after her extraordinary #11 debut last time. She is also attempting to transition into the acting world.

Yearly Rankings: 11 â€" 73


72. Paz Vega
The sultry Spanish actress makes the list for the 7th time. Make sure to seek out her filmography â€" there are tons of cinematic gems in there. After her breakout role in “Sex and Lucia”, she debuted at #3 â€" but she hasn’t returned to those heights since.

Yearly Rankings: 3 â€" 14 â€" 15 â€" 16 â€" 62 â€" 95 â€" 72

71. Katharine McPhee
The American Idol contestant deserves to be far more famous than she already is. The incredible vocalist is also trying her hand at acting, recently co-starring in “The House Bunny” with Anna Faris.

Yearly Rankings: 42 â€" 5 â€" 48 â€" 71

70. Katherine Jenkins
The angelic Welsh singer is a classy addition to the list. Let’s hope it is never “Time to Say Goodbye”. (ugh… terrible joke)

Yearly Rankings: 70

69. Andrea Corr
She topped the list in 1999 and 2002 when her band, The Corrs, were simultaneously topping the charts. The hall of fame beauty is sadly falling down the list but still ranks as a legendary beauty.

Yearly Rankings: 1 â€" 2 â€" 3 â€" 1 â€" 4 â€" 6 â€" 8 â€" 10 â€" 11 â€" 28 â€" 40 â€" 69

68. Justine Ezarik (iJustine)
A hot geek!? She became a lock to make this list when she turned up to the Streamy Awards in that pink little number. Check out her great youtube channel.

Yearly Rankings: 68

67. Anna Kendrick
Her performance in Clooney’s “Up In the Air” shot her to worldwide fame. Look for Anna to stay on this list for a very long time.

Yearly Rankings: 67

66. Emma Roberts
We predict that Emma will top this list someday. Like her aunt previously, she is the new “Pretty Woman” and she is a fantastic young talent on her way to super-stardom.

Yearly Rankings: 66

65. Ophelia Lovibond
She reminds me a great deal of Rose Byrne (last year’s #1). She is packed with talent and has a quirky beauty that is hard to deny.

Yearly Rankings: 65

64. Megan Fox
Megan has always been more sexy than beautiful. Sometimes it is hard to make that distinction. Many would have her ranked higher because of that confusion.

Yearly Rankings: 64

63. Vanessa Minnillo
We wish we could see more of this young woman. She is immaculate.

Yearly Rankings: 55 â€" 16 â€" 51 â€" 63

62. Bryce Dallas Howard
She is an absolute knockout. It is now 7 years in row for this thoughtful and sincere actress.

Yearly Rankings: 71 â€" 49 â€" 39 â€" 25 â€" 19 â€" 36 â€" 62

61. Emmy Rossum
It is a shame that Emmy hasn’t yet matched the stunning impact of her role in “The Phantom of the Opera”. She should be everywhere by now.

Yearly Rankings: 26 â€" 3 â€" 9 â€" 31 â€" 41 â€" 61

60. Giovanna Mezzogiorno
My favorite actress. Giovanna is a mega-talent and one of the most famous Italian actresses of all time. She reached #2 a few years ago. This is her 7th year on the list.

Yearly Rankings: 22 â€" 2 â€" 11 â€" 13 â€" 11 â€" 25 â€" 60

59. Ashley Greene
Ashley is an elegant new entry. Her role in the “Twilight” series helps this Floridian make the Top 100.

Yearly Rankings: 59

58. Laura Ramsey
Watch for Laura to make huge strides in the next two years!

Yearly Rankings: 88 â€" 58

57. Kiira Korpi
The Finnish skater is a joy to watch on the ice. She also happens to have one of the best smiles you will ever see. Truly beautiful.

Yearly Rankings: 38 â€" 30 â€" 57

56. Amy Macdonald
The Scottish singer is one of the very best artists in the world of music. Make sure to check out all of her videos online. She is lovely.

Yearly Rankings: 56

55. Kerry Washington
The fabulous actress makes the list for the 5th year in a row.

Yearly Rankings: 42 â€" 75 â€" 95 â€" 65 â€" 55

54. Rachel Hurd Wood
We first saw her in “Perfume: The Story of a Murderer” and she hasn’t been off the list since.

Yearly Rankings: 36 â€" 16 â€" 54

53. Jessica Alba
One of the sexiest women in the world, Alba wins her place on the Beautiful Faces list yet again.

Yearly Rankings: 76 â€" 65 â€" 47 â€" NR â€" 90 â€" 53

52. Kristen Bell
A brief appearance in the Top 10 last year may have been her peak.

Yearly Rankings: 48 â€" 59 â€" 32 â€" 29 â€" 15 â€" 10 â€" 52

51. Katy Perry
The California Gurl makes the list for the second year, but takes a small tumble down to 51. Is it Katy Brand now?

Yearly Rankings: 26 â€" 51


50. Jennifer Connelly
The only woman to make the list every single year over our 21 years… 17 of them in the Top 10. She was #1 in 2000 and 2003. It will be a sad day when she finally drops off the list. She is a legend.

Yearly Rankings: 7 â€" 6 â€" 6 â€" 4 â€" 5 â€" 4 â€" 5 â€" 3 â€" 2 â€" 2 â€" 1 â€" 2 â€" 6 â€" 1 â€" 5 â€" 6 â€" 9 â€" 24 â€" 33 â€" 67 â€" 50

49. Demi Lovato
The beautiful young star who can sing the national anthem better than anyone else in the world. She is a superb personality and one of the freshest faces in the entertainment world. She will be a megastar in the coming years!

Yearly Rankings: 55 â€" 49

48. Charlize Theron
The 12th appearance for the South African queen. For years, she has been the red-carpet standard that all other actresses are held to. This Oscar winner is amazing.

Yearly Rankings: 64 â€" 47 â€" 37 â€" 28 â€" 8 â€" 28 â€" 40 â€" 58 â€" 61 â€" 61 â€" NR â€" 72 â€" 48

47. Victoria Justice
A victorious debut for this lovely young woman. She will assuredly be in the Top 10 very soon! At only 17 years of age, she is the youngest member of the Top 100.

Yearly Rankings: 47


46. Lindsay Lohan
No one has yo-yo’d as much as Lindsay. The former #1 in 2004 (“Mean Girls”), she is making a minor comeback after a few years of significant drops. When she gets “it” right, no one can really compete. We hope the talented beauty can pull herself together and get back to the top of the list â€" where she belongs.

Yearly Rankings: 27 â€" 1 â€" 23 â€" 44 â€" 28 â€" 92 â€" 63 â€" 46

45. Michelle Ryan
I hope the “Bionic Woman” cancellation doesn’t ruin her chances of super-stardom in the USA.

Yearly Rankings: 70 â€" 25 â€" 78 â€" 45

44. Marley Shelton
8 years in a row for this epically underrated beauty.

Yearly Rankings: 32 â€" 39 â€" 19 â€" 50 â€" 57 â€" 49 â€" 27 â€" 44

43. Rachel McAdams
She may be the classiest woman on the list. Everything about Rachel oozes grace and elegance.

Yearly Rankings: 47 â€" 37 â€" 88 â€" 62 â€" 43

42. Scarlett Johansson
If this was a list of the sexiest women in the world, Scarlett would never leave the Top 10.

Yearly Rankings: 48 â€" 45 â€" 37 â€" 39 â€" 43 â€" 34 â€" 72 â€" 71 â€" 42

41. Preity Zinta
A high debut for the Indian film and TV star.

Yearly Rankings: 41

40. Erin Cummings
Her role as Spartacus’ wife propels her onto this list for the first time.

Yearly Rankings: 40

39. Blake Lively
The most fashionable woman in the world for 2010… this “Gossip Girl” rises for the 3rd year in a row.

Yearly Rankings: 85 â€" 68 â€" 39


38. Maggie Grace
This stunning actress has one of the sweetest smiles on the list. She is here for years to come.

Yearly Rankings: 41 â€" 33 â€" 27 â€" 17 â€" 37 â€" 38

37. Jessica Pare
She has been on the radar for years, but her amazing role on the best show on television, “Mad Men”, gives her the exposure she needed.

Yearly Rankings: 37

36. Mia Kirshner
14 years in a row… How is she not more famous???

Yearly Rankings: 60 â€" 51 â€" 58 â€" 55 â€" 51 â€" 49 â€" 40 â€" 27 â€" 22 â€" 12 â€" 23 â€" 40 â€" 59 â€" 36

35. Olivia Thirlby
She is putting together a superb and quirky list of movie roles.

Yearly Rankings: 44 â€" 35

34. Anne Hathaway
After rising for 7 straight years, Anne takes a small tumble in her 8th appearance.

Yearly Rankings: 65 â€" 51 â€" 46 â€" 36 â€" 18 â€" 18 â€" 6 â€" 34

33. Nozomi Sasaki
The pristine Japanese model enters the list for the first time.

Yearly Rankings: 33

32. Hayley McQueen
The Sky Sports Presenter takes over the mantle from legends such as Kirsty Gallacher and Georgie Thompson. Her move from MUTV to the mainstream network is much appreciated.

Yearly Rankings: 32

31. Kate Winslet
14 years â€" Never lower than 31. Kate is an all time great beauty.

Yearly Rankings: 27 â€" 17 â€" 20 â€" 11 â€" 4 â€" 14 â€" 11 â€" 13 â€" 21 â€" 18 â€" 15 â€" 12 â€" 22 â€" 31

30. Nicola Roberts
This dainty doll rises 39 spots from last year’s debut.

Yearly Rankings: 69 â€" 30

29. Silvia Battisti
Miss Italia 2007, Silvia Battisti is one of the most genuinely beautiful women in the world.

Yearly Rankings: 23 â€" 29

28. Emily Browning
Watch for her to hit super-stardom in the coming year with her lead role in “Sucker Punch”.

Yearly Rankings: 28

27. Lena Katina
Ten years after bursting onto the scene with t.A.T.u., Lena is going solo and still ranked high on this list.

Yearly Rankings: 71 â€" 52 â€" 69 â€" 67 â€" 45 â€" 30 â€" 67 â€" 77 â€" 89 â€" 27

26. Meagan Good
The irresistibly sexy actress crashes the party with a very high debut at 26.

Yearly Rankings: 26

25. Monica Bellucci
The most naturally sexy woman of all time. Period. Even at the age of 46, she easily competes with women half her age. Monica is a legend. We also happen to think that she gave the best performance of any actor or actress of the last decade (“Irreversible”).

Yearly Rankings: 26 â€" 28 â€" 21 â€" 16 â€" 15 â€" 2 â€" 10 â€" 14 â€" 4 â€" 14 â€" 17 â€" 25


24. Carice Van Houten
The sublime Dutch princess whose acting résumé in recent years is second to none. She has been in lots of great films (notably “Black Book”) and she is superb in all of them. Also, please check out her fantastic twitter feed â€" http://twitter.com/caricevhouten or her official website â€" http://www.caricevanhouten.nl/

Yearly Rankings: 20 â€" 34 â€" 20 â€" 24

23. Arasty narisa :)
menurut saya si peringkat satu saharusnyaa :D

Yearly Rankings: 24 â€" 24 â€" 99 â€" 60 â€" 29 â€" 23

22. Sophia Bush
She has the classic beauty of Rita Hayworth and Hedy Lamarr. No other woman in Hollywood has anything like Sophia’s classic features. She is truly unique.

Yearly Rankings: 38 â€" 20 â€" 4 â€" 22

21. Sienna Miller
She almost made it to number 1 in 2006. And in her 7 years on the list, she has never been outside the Top 25.

Yearly Rankings: 24 â€" 13 â€" 2 â€" 8 â€" 10 â€" 13 â€" 21

20. Rachel Weisz
15 years for Rachel. Time flies! She spent 9 of those years in the Top 10, peaking at number 2 in 2008.

Yearly Rankings: 30 â€" 23 â€" 22 â€" 18 â€" 10 â€" 8 â€" 7 â€" 5 â€" 7 â€" 7 â€" 6 â€" 6 â€" 2 â€" 19 â€" 20

19. Emily Blunt
The new “it girl” in Hollywood. She will be bagging trophies (and Jim from the Office) for years to come.

Yearly Rankings: 34 â€" 19

18. Song Hye Kyo
The Korean actress and model is virtually flawless. Look for her in the Top 10 next year!

Yearly Rankings: 18

17. January Jones
The “Mad Men” star has really developed into a fine actress in recent years.

Yearly Rankings: 42 â€" 17

16. Rihanna
I think we’d all like to make her feel like she’s the only girl in the world.

Yearly Rankings: 28 â€" 16

15. Rose Byrne
Last year’s top spot belonged to Rose. This is her 7th consecutive year in the Top 15.

Yearly Rankings: 15 â€" 3 â€" 7 â€" 5 â€" 8 â€" 1 â€" 15

14. Natalie Portman
The most beautiful face of 2008 was that of Natalie Portman. Look for her to win an Oscar for her role in “Black Swan”.

Yearly Rankings: 28 â€" 29 â€" 27 â€" 20 â€" 21 â€" 24 â€" 14 â€" 16 â€" 19 â€" 7 â€" 1 â€" 2 â€" 14

13. Keira Knightley
2005 and 2006 belonged to Keira. She is one of the finest talents in the industry and will likely be one of the most beautiful for many years to come.

Yearly Rankings: 15 â€" 12 â€" 4 â€" 1 â€" 1 â€" 2 â€" 7 â€" 9 â€" 13

12. Marion Cotillard
This woman has it all. Beauty… Brains… Talent… Style… Humor… A Sexy French Accent. Check out her incredibly beautiful and artistic Dior Campaign with photos and short films. If I had to marry one girl on the list… it would be Marion.

Yearly Rankings: 31 â€" 20 â€" 35 â€" 17 â€" 8 â€" 3 â€" 4 â€" 15 â€" 12


11. Kate Beckinsale
That’s 12 years on the list for Kate â€" the last 8 in the Top 10. She just falls out this year.

Yearly Rankings: 17 â€" 14 â€" 13 â€" 10 â€" 9 â€" 10 â€" 9 â€" 5 â€" 1 â€" 3 â€" 7 â€" 11

10. Christina Hendricks
The lovely redhead has achieved massive success with her role on “Mad Men”. Somehow, she combines both fearsome strength and delicate vulnerability. Along with Monica Bellucci, she is one of the most naturally sexy women on the list.

Yearly Rankings: 21 â€" 10


9. Amanda Seyfried
A 2nd straight year in the Top 10, 6th in the Top 100, for one of Hollywood’s hottest properties. She is in such high demand with a string of massive hits in recent years. She also wins the “Best Eyes” contest again this year.

Yearly Rankings: 32 â€" 23 â€" 46 â€" 65 â€" 5 â€" 9


8. Emily DiDonato
The supermodel shoots into the list, with the highest debut of the year, due in large part to that astonishing Acqua di Gioia perfume commercial for Armani. Simply amazing!

Yearly Rankings: 8


7. Alice Eve
Her performance in “She’s Out of My League” catapults her to super-stardom. She is a stunning British actress who makes this list for the 3rd year in a row.

Yearly Rankings: 22 â€" 47 â€" 7

6. Freida Pinto
She debuted on the list last year, following her breakout performance in “Slumdog Millionaire”, and rises two spots in 2010. The pristine Indian beauty is a sure-fire lock to be on this list for the next decade.

Yearly Rankings: 8 â€" 6


5. Alison Brie
The “Mad Men” and “Community” star is a gifted actress and one of the most energetic and fun personalities in showbiz today. She also ranks as one of the most photogenic women in recent memory.

Yearly Rankings: 18 â€" 5


4. Leighton Meester
Another steady climb in her 3rd year, this “Gossip Girl” star is branching out to become a pop star. Look for her fantastic single, “Somebody to Love, with Robin Thicke. Super talented and super gorgeous.

Yearly Rankings: 21 â€" 14 â€" 4


3. Tamsin Egerton
The 22 year-old 5? 10” bombshell is one of the most amazing visions on the planet. She is a designer’s red carpet dream. Look for her in a fun 2010 film called “ â€" She is a star!

Yearly Rankings: 26 â€" 10 â€" 13 â€" 24 â€" 3


2. Emma Watson
In her 5th year on the list, the elegant English actress almost makes it to the top spot. She is a fashion icon and it is a testament to her natural beauty that she can pull off her new pixie haircut. Not many women can. There is absolutely no doubt that she will be a big favorite to top the list in 2011.

Yearly Rankings: 54 â€" 30 â€" 27 â€" 12 â€" 2


1. Camilla Belle
Becoming only the 14th woman in the 21 year history of this list to get to #1, Camilla Belle achieves virtual perfection at the age of 24. Without question, she will be at or near the top of this elite list for many years to come.

Yearly Rankings: 35 â€" 12 â€" 6 â€" 3 â€" 1

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